Add Git Bash to Windows Terminal: A Step-by-Step Setup Guide

In the realm of command-line interfaces, Windows Terminal stands out as a versatile and powerful tool, offering users a unified experience across various shells. For those familiar with Git Bash, integrating it into Windows Terminal can elevate the command-line experience, combining the robustness of Git Bash with the flexibility of Windows Terminal. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of adding Git Bash to Windows Terminal, unlocking a world of possibilities for developers and system administrators.

Getting Started: Understanding the Essentials

Before embarking on the integration journey, it's crucial to understand the essentials of both Git Bash and Windows Terminal.

1. Git Bash Overview

Git Bash is a command-line interface that provides the Git command-line experience on Windows. It offers a comprehensive set of Unix-like commands, enabling users to interact with Git repositories and perform various system tasks. With its powerful scripting capabilities, Git Bash becomes a go-to tool for developers navigating the intricacies of version control and beyond.

2. Windows Terminal Unveiled

Windows Terminal, on the other hand, is a modern, feature-rich terminal application for Windows. It supports multiple tabs, panes, and profiles, allowing users to work seamlessly with various shells and command-line tools. The integration of Git Bash into Windows Terminal consolidates these features, creating a unified environment for efficient coding and system management.

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Step 1: Installing Git for Windows

The first step in our integration journey is ensuring that Git for Windows is installed on your system. Follow these steps:

  1. Download Git for Windows: Visit the official Git for Windows website ( and download the latest version of Git for Windows.
  2. Run the Installer: Execute the downloaded installer. During installation, ensure to check the option that adds Git to your system's PATH. This step is crucial for seamless integration.
  3. Completing the Installation: Follow the prompts to complete the installation. Once done, Git Bash should be accessible from the Start menu.

Step 2: Checking Git Bash Installation

To confirm that Git Bash is successfully installed, open Windows Terminal and follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Terminal: Launch Windows Terminal from the Start menu or using your preferred method.
  2. Select Git Bash Profile: In the dropdown menu, select the Git Bash profile. This should open a new tab with the Git Bash command-line interface.
  3. Verify Git Installation: Type git --version in the Git Bash terminal and press Enter. You should see the installed Git version, confirming a successful installation.

Step 3: Adding Git Bash Profile to Windows Terminal

Now comes the exciting part – integrating Git Bash into Windows Terminal.

  • Open Windows Terminal Settings: Click on the downward arrow in the Windows Terminal title bar and select "Settings." This opens the settings.json file.
  • Add Git Bash Profile: Within the settings.json file, locate the "profiles" section. Add the following JSON object for the Git Bash profile:

    "guid": "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}",
    "acrylicOpacity": 0.75,
    "closeOnExit": true,
    "colorScheme": "GitBash",
    "commandline": "\"%PROGRAMFILES%\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe\" --login -i",
    "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "cursorShape": "bar",
    "fontFace": "Consolas",
    "fontSize": 10,
    "historySize": 9001,
    "icon": "%PROGRAMFILES%\\Git\\mingw64\\share\\git\\git-for-windows.ico",
    "name": "GitBash",
    "padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
    "snapOnInput": true,
    "startingDirectory": "%USERPROFILE%",
    "useAcrylic": false

This configuration includes essential settings such as color schemes, fonts, and the Git Bash executable path.

  • Save and Restart: Save the settings.json file and restart Windows Terminal. You should now see a new profile for Git Bash in the dropdown menu.
Add Git Bash to Windows Terminal: A Step-by-Step Setup Guide

Step 4: Customizing Git Bash Appearance

Enhance the visual appeal of Git Bash within Windows Terminal by customizing its color scheme. Add the following section to the settings.json file:

"schemes": [
        "background": "#000000",
        "black": "#0C0C0C",
        "blue": "#6060ff",
        "brightBlack": "#767676",
        "brightBlue": "#3B78FF",
        "brightCyan": "#61D6D6",
        "brightGreen": "#16C60C",
        "brightPurple": "#B4009E",
        "brightRed": "#E74856",
        "brightWhite": "#F2F2F2",
        "brightYellow": "#F9F1A5",
        "cyan": "#3A96DD",
        "foreground": "#CCCCCC",
        "green": "#00A400",
        "name": "GitBash",
        "purple": "#BF40BF",
        "red": "#E74856",
        "white": "#CCCCCC",
        "yellow": "#F9F1A5"

Feel free to adjust the color values to suit your preferences. Save the file and restart Windows Terminal for the changes to take effect.

Step 5: Verifying the Integration

To ensure a seamless integration and correct configuration, follow these final verification steps:

  1. Open Windows Terminal: Launch Windows Terminal and select the Git Bash profile from the dropdown menu.
  2. Execute Git Commands: In the Git Bash terminal, execute various Git commands such as git status and git log to verify that Git operations work as expected.
  3. Visual Check: Verify that the customized appearance, including the color scheme, is reflected in the Git Bash profile.

Congratulations! You've successfully added Git Bash to Windows Terminal, creating a unified and efficient command-line environment. This integration streamlines your workflow, allowing seamless navigation between Git operations and other command-line tasks.


In this comprehensive guide, we've explored the step-by-step process of adding Git Bash to Windows Terminal. By combining the power of Git Bash with the versatile features of Windows Terminal, users can create a unified and efficient command-line environment tailored to their preferences. Whether you're a developer working on intricate coding projects or a system administrator managing diverse tasks, this integration enhances your command-line experience.

Remember, the key to a smooth integration lies in understanding the essentials of both Git Bash and Windows Terminal, ensuring a correct installation of Git for Windows, and customizing the appearance to suit your preferences. With these steps, you're well-equipped to navigate the command-line landscape seamlessly.

So, go ahead, integrate Git Bash into Windows Terminal, and elevate your command-line experience to new heights!

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