- Firstly, plug in your pen drive or any other external device effected by the virus.
- Scan that device with any updated antivirus and remove the virus if found.
- Goto My computer and right click on that device.For example if your pen drive is E: drive, right click the drive E: and select explore.
- Delete the virus manually if virus is still in there. This step need little experiences to know which one.
- Now open the command prompt (CMD) directly by pressing the windows key and letter 'R' (win + R) and type 'cmd' and enter.
- After that type this command as " CD \ "
- Change directory to the external device with this command. For example if your pen drive is drive E: then type E:\
- To delete all shortcut with command, type as "DEL *.lnk "
- To Change attributes for all files and folders type " ATTRIB -A -S -R -H /S /D ". that's it.
Note: please make sure before you're going to enter your enter your external device. If you are trying to fix drive E:\ the changes made to drive E:\. If you in drive C:\ you will know what happen, big mistake. my advice just follow step by step my tutorial.