3 Simple Ways to Increase Website Conversion Rates

web-analytics-large-techzostMost business owners hope that their marketing efforts will pay off, and that people will actually buy the goods and services that they offer. While this may be a straightforward aspect of business, it may not be the easiest thing to do if you own a website and are interested in turning your site visitors into actual consumers of your merchandize. In this post, we'll take a look at the concept of conversion, and discuss three ways in which you can effectively influence conversion rates.

What is a Conversion Rate?

Improve Sales Simply put, this is the percentage of web visitors who carry out a purchase. This can take the form of a simple sale, a download, having them watch a video which may require them to pay something beforehand, or simply having them comply to providing you with information you request from them.

According to a Google AdWords report, sometimes even the most earnest efforts at optimizing your website to effect conversion rates may turn out to be unsuccessful. The report goes further on to state that about 91 percent of users visiting your typical site quickly leave in a matter of 8 seconds and less.

Let's look at three simple strategies to increase your web conversion rates:

1. Improve Website Accessibility

This simple and intuitive strategy should be at the top of your list. People perceive something that is easy to use and accessible as an efficient product or service that they would like to use again. You can do this by improving your site's design and making sure that tabs are within easy reach, and that one section of the site flawlessly flows into another section. People relate good organization to sophistication and an overall great shopping experience. Your site should give the impression that you are a trustworthy and professional company that puts the comfort of customers first. Take time to carefully choose the font, colors and background and contrast between the different elements in order to come up with a design palette that is universally appealing. Also, make the site compatible with the different browsers and devices that are used to access it.

2. Study Your Target Market

For you to know how to influence behavior, you have to first gain an understanding of the individuals who are attracted to your content and website in the first place. This is where marketing research comes in, as well as carrying out short surveys that give you an insight into your target audience. You should never make assumptions by thinking you know what your audience wants and is thinking; ask them questions, and encourage them to leave feedback on what they would like to see more of. You can then use this information to mirror back to them what they want, which will then enable them to come back to your site in a habit-forming way. You should also know what conversations they are having within their circles, what keywords they are typing into search engines to find information, and what inspires them. This should create a 'service blueprint' that you can use to gain their trust and attention.

3. Keep The User Updated and Informed

This ultimately boils down to creating a great service experience. People want to know what's happening to their purchase or query, and need assurance that their concerns matter. One way in which you can do this is by providing the user with a unique tracking number or service tag they can use to periodically check on the progress of their query or purchase. Keep communication lines open, and make sure you appropriately address their concerns as they come up. How does this affect the overall conversion rate? A happy and satisfied customer is more likely to come back knowing that they will get exceptional service, and that their business matters. They might even go as far as recommending you to friends and family, helping boost your presence and sales.

Improving your website's conversion rates has to do with understanding what people want, and then giving it to them. Feel free to use Google Analytics tools in your research to further tweak your efforts in order to impact your overall return on investment.

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Erik Gaandt is a freelance tech writer and SEO enthusiast. He enjoys sharing his insights on various blogs. Have you ever seen a website load incredibly fast then wondered Who Is Hosting This?
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